Svefnleysi hrjáir mig á stundum. Ég veit ekki hvort þið eigið við sama vandamál að etja. En stundum á ég ferlega erfitt með að sofa vel. Svo ég ætla að sýna ykkur þessar einföldu reglur til þess að sofa vel. Ekki að þær hafi leyst mín mál öll. En ég veit þetta þó.
* Sleep only as much as you need to feel refreshed the next day.
* Get up at the same time, 7 days a week.
* Exercise regularly.
* Make sure your bedroom is comfortable and free of disturbing light and noise.
* Make sure that your bedroom is at a comfortable temperature during the night.
* Eat regular meals and do not go to bed hungry.
* Avoid excessive fluids in the evening. Cut down on caffeine products.
* Avoid alcohol, especially in the evening.
* Smoking may disturb sleep.
* Don't take your problems to bed.
* Train yourself to use the bedroom only for sleeping and sexual activity.
* Do not TRY to fall asleep.
* Put the clock under the bed or turn it so that you cannot see it.
* Avoid taking naps.