Hvað segir þetta okkur um íslendinga?
Ég var að lesa í gegnum ákaflega áhugaverða kynningu. Sem mér finnst eiginlega svo merkileg að ég ætla að henda inn broti úr henni hingað inn.
"For example, “the sun” in French is le soleil, a masculine noun, and, for the French, a word closely associated with the Sun King, Louis XIV. The French, who imprint this reference at a young age, perceive the sun as male and, by extension, see males as brilliant and shining. Women, on the other hand, are associated with the moon, la lune, a feminine word. The moon, of course, does not shine by herself; she reflects the light of the sun. We can learn much about the relationship between French men and French women through this observation and the understanding of how French children receive the imprint of these terms.
For Germans, however, these words have nearly opposite meanings. The sun, die Sonne, is feminine, and Germans believe that women are the ones who bring warmth to the world, make things grow, and raise children. German men are the night, the dark, the moon side. Der Mond, “the moon,” is a masculine term. Again, this speaks volumes about the relationships the genders have to each other in this culture and the roles they play in this society."
Tekið úr Know the Codes
Í íslensku þá er sólin kvenkyns og tunglið hvorugkyns. Hvað ætli það segi okkur um Íslendinga?
máninn fullur fer um..
(sunna og sól eru bæði kvk.)