Life Lessons from Yoga

Ég var að leita að öðrum pósti þegar ég rakst á þetta í pósthólfinu mínu. Þetta endurspeglar mína reynslu svo ég vildi setja þetta hingað inn.

Some people approach their yoga practice as a break from the world, a separate space where they can recover from life's stresses and strains. Once they've pulled themselves back together, they return to their families and jobs renewed.

What we really want to learn is how to incorporate our yoga practice into the rest of our lives and to respond appropriately to life's challenges without adding tension. It is at this level that yoga really becomes a deeper practice. You can be under tremendous stress and come back into experiencing your feet on the ground as though it were just another moment of Tadasana (Mountain Pose); or you can receive a big disappointment and be able to drop into your breath, realizing it's just another moment of practice, and allow the breath to move the feelings through your body.

Kemur frá Yoga Journal.


Nafnlaus sagði…
jógasmóga....sakna þín samt úr ræktinni:(....nærð samt kannski að bæta þetta upp með að vera duglegur að ganga með mér á næstunni:p

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