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Einhvern tíma heyrði ég að það væri einföld leið til að komast að því hvort hún væri "alvöru" ljóska. Þeir hjá hjá Betty Beauty hafa gert út um þá leið. Fake it till you make! Þessi grein birtist upprunalega í Advertising Age.

Launch of Pubic-Hair-Coloring Product Line Scores PR Coup

Betty Beauty Concept Rides Wild Wave of TV, Magazine Exposure
By Jack Neff

Published: November 12, 2006

CINCINNATI (AdAge.com) -- If you think a brown betty is an apple tart, you may not want to read further.

Media buzz
That's not the meaning ascribed by Betty Beauty, a New York startup that is getting big PR play by marketing hair color for the nether regions. Billed as "color for the hair down there," the company began really building buzz this summer with a brief appearance on the "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" and mentions in magazines such as Vogue, W and People Style Watch.

Distribution so far is only in about 300 salons and beauty stores and via the website Bettybeauty.com. Betty Beauty's pubic-hair-dying kits are being marketed with names such as Brown Betty, Fun Betty, Blond Betty, Auburn Betty and Black Betty that designate color -- Fun Betty is hot pink.



Blinda sagði…
Nú er fólk endanlega búið að missa sig í ruglinu......
Nafnlaus sagði…
æi, hvað er eiginlega að fólki?

(það sem þú grefur upp á netinu strákur!)
Barbie Clinton sagði…
Mon dieu.... Og heitir svo Fun Betty....

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