Ef þetta væri þinn síðasti dagur
Þá myndir þú hugsanlega gera hlutina á annan hátt. Ég hef verið að lesa greinar frá Bandaríkjunum. Þar sem fólk er að ræða um áhrifn af 11. september 2001. Þessar línur fundust mér góðar. Eiga við um okkur öll. Svona á ég að hugsa.
"On a personal note, many of us made life-choices and changes, some of which were only possible due to the Internet. Peers and colleagues moved to Portugal, Colorado ... you name it, in a search for a more balanced life. If you only have today, many of us thought, where do you want to have it?"
"On a personal note, many of us made life-choices and changes, some of which were only possible due to the Internet. Peers and colleagues moved to Portugal, Colorado ... you name it, in a search for a more balanced life. If you only have today, many of us thought, where do you want to have it?"