Ég verð milljónum ríkari
Eða kannski ekki. Mesta furða hversu vel maður getur samt skemmt sér yfir tilraunum þessara ruglukolla til þess að fá mann til þess að koma með sér í lið. Þetta er næstum því eins skemmtilegt og þegar ég vann í Internet lottó. Ég sendi þeim auðvitað símanúmerið mitt, kennitöluna og banka upplýsingar og bíð spenntur...
Attn: Chairman/CEO.
Dear Sir,
My name is Mr. Michael Bradfield, a Chief Auditor to the Citibank Group (((yeah right...skildi einhver sem heitir þetta vinna hjá Citibank?))). During my last auditing at this Bank (Citibank London), we realized the sum 9.2 million Pounds owned by one Mr. Antonio Montoya who was in the American Airlines Flight 11, Boston to Los Angeles, that crashed into World Trade Center during the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. All efforts to reach the relatives of Mr. Antonio Montoya for the past years have not yielded any positive result.
In the last Board Meeting, the Directors jointly decided that Mr. Antonio Montoya's Money should be included in the annual profit for the year 2004. This is the debate going on at the moment with different opinions from the Directors of this Bank. Since Mrs. Chesney was the one who introduced Mr. Antonio Montoya to the bank, she objected to this decision and demanded that the fund remains floating in the treasury for another one year to see if we could actually get any of the relatives of Mr. Antonio Montoya to claim the money.
((( Já, alveg furðuleg tilviljun )))
This is the main reason why I am contacting you. I will like you to help us in claiming the money from the Citibank here in London as Mr. Antonio Montoya's Next-of-Kin. The Code System Information for your application will be giving to you. Any information about this is in Mrs. Chesney's possession but she does not want any person to know about this arrangement please. We have first time information that the deceased has no relation since they all died in the 9-11 attack. I and Mrs. Chesney are willing to share the Money with you on a 20% to you and 75% percent for us while 5% is set for any expenses incurred in the cost of the arrangement of the transfer to your account.
((( Bíddu, bíddu, bíddu, þetta er sem sagt bara eitthvað svindl....hmmm en 20% af 9,2 milljón pundum...það er alveg slatti )))
All I need you to do is to put up claims as Next-of-Kin to Mr. Antonio Montoya, I will send all the documents to you. Once this is done, the Legal and Accounting Departments will have the fund processed and wired to your Account, then we can meet to share the money together. Please I want you to keep this information very Confidential as the exposure of this information jeopardise my job. If you are not willing to take part, then I will beg you to disregard the information.
((( Nei, ég er bara að spá í að birta þetta á blogginu mínu...já, þar sem þú ert að lesa þetta )))
Let me have your telephone number so that I can reach you. I look forward to
hearing from you soon.
((( Það verður kaldur dagur í helvíti áður en það gerist )))
Thank you and God bless you.
Much Regards
Mr.Michael Bradfield.
Attn: Chairman/CEO.
Dear Sir,
My name is Mr. Michael Bradfield, a Chief Auditor to the Citibank Group (((yeah right...skildi einhver sem heitir þetta vinna hjá Citibank?))). During my last auditing at this Bank (Citibank London), we realized the sum 9.2 million Pounds owned by one Mr. Antonio Montoya who was in the American Airlines Flight 11, Boston to Los Angeles, that crashed into World Trade Center during the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. All efforts to reach the relatives of Mr. Antonio Montoya for the past years have not yielded any positive result.
In the last Board Meeting, the Directors jointly decided that Mr. Antonio Montoya's Money should be included in the annual profit for the year 2004. This is the debate going on at the moment with different opinions from the Directors of this Bank. Since Mrs. Chesney was the one who introduced Mr. Antonio Montoya to the bank, she objected to this decision and demanded that the fund remains floating in the treasury for another one year to see if we could actually get any of the relatives of Mr. Antonio Montoya to claim the money.
((( Já, alveg furðuleg tilviljun )))
This is the main reason why I am contacting you. I will like you to help us in claiming the money from the Citibank here in London as Mr. Antonio Montoya's Next-of-Kin. The Code System Information for your application will be giving to you. Any information about this is in Mrs. Chesney's possession but she does not want any person to know about this arrangement please. We have first time information that the deceased has no relation since they all died in the 9-11 attack. I and Mrs. Chesney are willing to share the Money with you on a 20% to you and 75% percent for us while 5% is set for any expenses incurred in the cost of the arrangement of the transfer to your account.
((( Bíddu, bíddu, bíddu, þetta er sem sagt bara eitthvað svindl....hmmm en 20% af 9,2 milljón pundum...það er alveg slatti )))
All I need you to do is to put up claims as Next-of-Kin to Mr. Antonio Montoya, I will send all the documents to you. Once this is done, the Legal and Accounting Departments will have the fund processed and wired to your Account, then we can meet to share the money together. Please I want you to keep this information very Confidential as the exposure of this information jeopardise my job. If you are not willing to take part, then I will beg you to disregard the information.
((( Nei, ég er bara að spá í að birta þetta á blogginu mínu...já, þar sem þú ert að lesa þetta )))
Let me have your telephone number so that I can reach you. I look forward to
hearing from you soon.
((( Það verður kaldur dagur í helvíti áður en það gerist )))
Thank you and God bless you.
Much Regards
Mr.Michael Bradfield.