Of vitlaus fyrir glæpi

Einhvern veginn vorkenni ég þessum meira en Britney sem var ósköp sorgleg á MTV verðlaununum um daginn. Henni bráðvantar góðan stílista og hörku manager sem afstýrir svona slysum. En þessi gaur lét mér líða betur.

The FBI is looking for a bank robber who used his own check with his name scratched out on which to write the demand note he gave to the teller.

Forest Kelly Bissonnette, 27, was charged with bank robbery and a federal warrant was issued for his arrest Friday.

The robber walked into the Bank of the West in Englewood on Sept. 5 and approached the teller with a demand note written on a bank check.

The identifying information and account numbers on the check were crossed out with a black marker and the note said, "Give me all the money in your drawer Now!"

The robber then looked at the clerk and said, "I'm sorry. I need to do this," according to an arrest affidavit filed in U.S. District Court.

Nearly $5,000 was taken during the robbery.

The teller retained the note that was written on the blacked-out check.

"Upon further examination, it was determined that the name and account information, which had been crossed out, was still legible," the affidavit says.

Also, a tipster called the Rocky Mountain Safe Streets Task Force and informed authorities that a man named Forrest told the tipster that he had robbed the bank and taken $5,000.



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