Wandering the streets of Bangkok

Spent the day wandering around Chinatown in Bangkok. Which was really worth it. Unfortunately it started raining on the way home, so I got soaked. Which reminded me it’s the rainy season in this part of the world. Which isn’t too bad. It’s not like it rains every day or all the time. Just from time to time. But Chinatown was amazing. Went to see the Golden Buddha, which has a bit of a history. Apparently it was covered up in cement and it was only during a move that it was discovered that it was gold inside. This Buddha is the largest ever made of gold and there were plenty of tourists and tour guides around.

That’s one of the things that seem to be universal. In all my travels I’ve noticed that these holy sites draw a lot of tourists. Not just here in Thailand, but everywhere. Churches, temples all seem to draw a lot of attention. I have to say that I think I’ve seen quite a few temples on this trip. Which has been interesting and add to that the fact that I’ve understood how praying in a Buddhist temple works.

So Chinatown in Bangkok was well worth a visit. A maze of side streets was literally filled with shops and stalls selling just about anything. Except for electronics, which was actually something I was looking for. My trusted travel partner, my Kodak digital camera seems to be ready for an upgrade. The zoom has been giving me problems and the camera is also starting to give me problems. So unless I find one on the way back, here’s an idea for birthday/Christmas present. A new camera.


Nafnlaus sagði…
Jæja Simmi....hvenær ætlaru svo að fara að koma heim?...er alveg farin að sakna þín og farin að hlakka til að fá þig heim:)
Simmi sagði…
Fer ad styttast i ad eg ljati sja mig. Hvad a ad gera um naestu helgi? Verd kannski ekki kominn heim, samt en farinn ad sakna thin sma lika:-)
Nafnlaus sagði…
Afmæli á laugardaginn og væntanlega um kvöldið líka hjá fallega leynivininum:)...annars bara rólegheit og vonandi sem mest af útiveru líka.

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