Brussel bannar barma
Þetta er svona flökkusaga sem breska pressan hefur sett í gang til þess að segja þarlendum frá því hversu vont Evrópusambandið er. Fannst þetta nógu skemmtilegt til þess að stinga hérna inn. Gott að hafa í huga að þjóðsögur og ævintýri selja ekki bara DV, Séð og Heyrt og Hér og Nú (hvað er þetta með að kalla þessi slúður rit x og y?).
Hands off our barmaids’ boobs
The Sun 4 August 2005
The EU has declared a crackpot war on busty barmaids – by trying to ban them from wearing low-cut tops. Po-faced penpushers have deemed it a HEALTH HAZARD for bar girls to show too much cleavage. And in a daft directive that will have drinkers choking on their pints, Brussels bureaucrats have ordered a cover-up. They say barmaids run a skin cancer risk if they expose themselves to the sun when they go outside to collect glasses. Last night the move was blasted as an affront. Annie Powell, of real ale group Camra, raged: “It’s just another blatant example of Europe gone mad.”
Barmaids protest at probably the silliest directive in the world
The Daily Telegraph 3 August 2005
BAVARIAN barmaids are to be forced by a European Union directive to cover up, supposedly to protect them from sun. Brewery owners, politicians and most of the women themselves have condemned the legislation as absurd, claiming the “tan ban”, as it has been nicknamed, will destroy a centuries-old tradition. Bavarian barmaids typically dress in a costume known as a “dirndl”, a dress and apron with a tight, low cut top whose figure-hugging effect is enhanced by a short white blouse. Under the EU’s Optical Radiation Directive, employers of staff who work outdoors, including those in Bavaria’s beer gardens, must ensure they cover up against the risk on sunburn. Bavarian bar keepers have been told that the dirndl, generally rather revealing, will have to be replaced as it offers no protection.
Bunch of boobies!
News of the World 7 August 2005
Ulrika Johnson column
THE RIDICULOUS EU want to ban barmaids from wearing revealing tops to protect them from sunburn while collecting glasses outside.
Skoðið þessa og fleiri þjóðsögur
Evrópuþingið felldi þessa tillögu, þann 8. september síðastliðinn, um að atvinnurekendur væru ábyrgir fyrir áhrifum sólar á starfsmenn sína með 397 atkvæðum gegn 260. Þannig að það er á ábyrgð hvers aðildarríkis að vernda borgara sína þegar kemur að sólargeislum.
Þýskir bjórdrykkjumenn geta því haldið áfram að njóta bjórsins og útlits gengilbeinanna nema ef þýsku ríkin ákveða annað!
Hands off our barmaids’ boobs
The Sun 4 August 2005
The EU has declared a crackpot war on busty barmaids – by trying to ban them from wearing low-cut tops. Po-faced penpushers have deemed it a HEALTH HAZARD for bar girls to show too much cleavage. And in a daft directive that will have drinkers choking on their pints, Brussels bureaucrats have ordered a cover-up. They say barmaids run a skin cancer risk if they expose themselves to the sun when they go outside to collect glasses. Last night the move was blasted as an affront. Annie Powell, of real ale group Camra, raged: “It’s just another blatant example of Europe gone mad.”
Barmaids protest at probably the silliest directive in the world
The Daily Telegraph 3 August 2005
BAVARIAN barmaids are to be forced by a European Union directive to cover up, supposedly to protect them from sun. Brewery owners, politicians and most of the women themselves have condemned the legislation as absurd, claiming the “tan ban”, as it has been nicknamed, will destroy a centuries-old tradition. Bavarian barmaids typically dress in a costume known as a “dirndl”, a dress and apron with a tight, low cut top whose figure-hugging effect is enhanced by a short white blouse. Under the EU’s Optical Radiation Directive, employers of staff who work outdoors, including those in Bavaria’s beer gardens, must ensure they cover up against the risk on sunburn. Bavarian bar keepers have been told that the dirndl, generally rather revealing, will have to be replaced as it offers no protection.
Bunch of boobies!
News of the World 7 August 2005
Ulrika Johnson column
THE RIDICULOUS EU want to ban barmaids from wearing revealing tops to protect them from sunburn while collecting glasses outside.
Skoðið þessa og fleiri þjóðsögur
Evrópuþingið felldi þessa tillögu, þann 8. september síðastliðinn, um að atvinnurekendur væru ábyrgir fyrir áhrifum sólar á starfsmenn sína með 397 atkvæðum gegn 260. Þannig að það er á ábyrgð hvers aðildarríkis að vernda borgara sína þegar kemur að sólargeislum.
Þýskir bjórdrykkjumenn geta því haldið áfram að njóta bjórsins og útlits gengilbeinanna nema ef þýsku ríkin ákveða annað!