7 Seconds of Separation

I have to say that this has been an interesting year. Little did I know when it started how much was going to change and how good it would feel. Maybe I had a feeling that something was going on. You know how little things start to happen and you start wondering if there’s something going on, that you really should know about. I’m talking about the big change that happened at the end of March this year. Something that now seems like ages ago. What happened was that my former employer decided that my services were no longer needed. I’m hardly the first and I definitely wasn’t the last one to leave either. But I’ve made myself a promise. There are 2 things I don’t share much here.

The first one is the names of my friends and relatives. This I do on the assumption that since everything I write here will be available forever on Google. I shouldn’t. It’s a matter of privacy for my friends. But I hope that they recognize themselves in my writing. Because associated with that is a tendency to skip the personal gripes and attacks and stay on the more positive issues around me. Seems to be working for my karma.

The second thing is my job and who I work for. So even while lots of people know exactly what I do for a living. This blog is my private thing. But now I have a new and exciting thing that I’m working on that I do want to share with you. This is my new side project. It’s called 7 Seconds of Separation and it’s something I’m doing with a couple of friends. Friends that I don’t think I’d ever have met if it wasn’t for the Internet and in particular Facebook and Couchsurfing. What’s more, if it wasn’t for the Internet this little side project would be impossible. We utilize common web services and tools and while this isn’t a completely web based production – it could be. I’m really looking forward to seeing how this will evolve. Please come visit my new project and tell me what you think. This will be one bit of work I will be discussing here.


Valtyr sagði…
Líst vel á þetta ;) Þú ert í góðum gír greinilega
Nafnlaus sagði…
hurðu Simmi, á ég hjá þér bók nokkuð?
Simmi sagði…
Já, þú átt nefnilega bók hjá mér - bara um leið og ég las þetta fór ég að skoða málið og hún hafði lent á mjög skrítnum stað og þar með gleymst. Ertu ekki með númerið mitt og svona til að við getum mælt okkur mót og ég komið bókinni á þig? Gætum fengið okkur kaffi og ég sagt þér ferðasögur í leiðinni - þó þar hafi kannski flestar ratað hingað inn:-)

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