Recession Diary part 7

"Everybody Talks About the Weather…We Don’t" - Ulrike Meinhof

We're still not very far into the recession. It's just been over 2 months now since the collapse of the Icelandic financial system. Feels longer than that. I have a feeling this is a turning point for many of us. Before and after the fall. The real effects of this fall won't really start to show until in early 2009. Right now we're in the buffer. Kind of like when you get hit by a car. It takes awhile to feel all the effects.

A recession is good news for the environment it would seem. There are far fewer cars on the road. Far less junk mail coming through my mail box. A lot less. Last year it seemed like I was taking a full bag of newspapers and advertising to my local paper recycling container every week. It's taking longer to fill up the bag this year. There are other interesting side effects. The whole pressure of ever growing material needs has gone. It doesn't make much difference for me. Never was big on the material side of life. My life wasn't going to get better by owning a larger car. I've even tried to make sure that I had money to pay for the things I was buying. It might just keep me from trouble.

Our dearly beloved leaders are still in total denial. No responsibility taken by anyone. I've been thinking about this. Maybe it isn't fair to blame our beloved leaders for this. After all it wasn't like they were in charge of the banks. In a way you might say that it's comparable to blaming the police if someone crashes their car. Of course it would appear that the police wasn't paying any attention to how fast the car was going, enforcing the speed limit or checking if the vehicle was roadworthy. Maybe the difference is that in most cases. I don't have to pay the fine. So now when I hear people discuss the dangers of foreigners taking over if we join the European Union. I wonder how much worse things would be if we had somebody looking over the shoulders of these people. Been watching the trailer for The Baader Meinhof Komplex. Made by the same people who created Der Untergang. Good to know what we need to avoid.


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